Skin, hair and teeth - the benefits of healthy eating

Skin Care

The skin is the largest organ of the body and most exposed. Most people do not care about their skin - either due to hard work or due to pure ignorance.

Vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc are especially important to keep the skin healthy and beautiful. rich in these vitamins and minerals from food:











Olive oil











This is just a partial list of foods rich in vitamins and minerals needed for healthy skin. Food and drinks should see your consumption of alcohol, sugar and saturated fat reduction eliminate. Coffee and tea should be limited to two cups a day.

Because the skin often mirrors the health of the whole body, a healthy diet ensures a healthy body and an additional benefit, healthy skin.

Healthy hair

Healthy hair depends on the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals and proteins. inadequate protein intake over a long period can force hair into the resting phase with the formation of a few months later. Five amino acids are of particular relevance to hair growth - cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine.

There a number of different specific hair vitamins and minerals that can play an important role in helping a person have a healthy head of hair. Vitamins needed for healthy hair are vitamin A, B6, biotin, inositol, and folic acid. Minerals needed for hair growth equity magnesium, sulfur, silicon and zinc.

Hair vitamins are more likely to be needed if a person is chronically ill or malnourished, the loss of hair and may even stop growing. For example, brittle hair is an indication of iron deficiency while prolonged and severe hair loss can lead to inefficient functioning of the liver or thyroid.

Healthy Teeth

The health of your teeth and gums, the absence of plaque and debris, and the freshness of your breath can be a constant reminder of the state of your overall health. usually means a healthy body and teeth.

With regard to promoting a healthy skin and hair healthy, healthy diet (including plenty of fruit and vegetables) helps promote healthy teeth. These foods tend to help scrub the plaque off our teeth before they turn into tartar. The calculation is that the pockets, gums, where bacteria can cause decay and root.

Vitamin C can cause bleeding gums and loose teeth and sores in the mouth, the vitamin B complex is also essential to a healthy mouth as deficiencies can cause cracking and bleeding from the mouth sores and open wounds on both inside and outside the mouth .

Calcium is the super nutrient that keeps bones and teeth. Vitamin D is another important factor in maintaining healthy teeth and bones. Spending a total of about one hour per week in the sun often enough vitamin D you need.

In addition to causing other problems with our health, too much fluoride can cause permanent discoloration of the teeth of our children. It can also lead to degeneration of the brains and certain cancers. Be very careful to rinse well after brushing with fluoride toothpaste and a fluoride treatment after the dentist.


There is no way around it. The only way to skin, hair and teeth healthy for your body the vitamins, minerals and proteins needed for a healthy and balanced heat.

Receives a large number of healthy recipes and health advice to providing information about what your body needs to stay healthy and young, etc.. Carol and her sister Barbara have developed this site to resources you need to learn how to care for your health and your family here to take.

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What a beautiful skin, part 1 - the ideal system for radiant skin

We all want to know how shiny skin? A bright eye catching and sends a message of health and welfare within and virility that many people enjoy.

While our expectations in this regard may not have been blown up by an artificial increase of the pictures of models and celebrities on the covers of glossy magazines, it is certainly not impossible for a radiant skin is beautiful and radiant even without makeup or computer upgrades.

How can you reach? In the first of this series of articles about how a glowing skin, we see the importance of good food. Let's right!

Food radiant skin

You must be healthy if you want your home to shine outside. Fixing your diet, your first course of action here. Yes, it takes discipline, but nothing good comes easy. Here are some of the main power for a radiant and glowing skin.

1. Stay away from refined sugars, especially soft drinks

A high intake of sugar is the amount of unnecessary stress on your system. It is estimated that the average American puts 135 pounds of sugar in their bodies each year. Your body is like sugar and I do not.

An important consequence of sugar, immune system suppression. It is generally considered the aging process, which means more wrinkles sooner speed.

Soft drinks are one of the greatest evils here, and if you remove junk from your diet, you're already a big step. Make sure you can not stop.

2. Eat lots of raw foods

The health benefits of raw fruits and vegetables is not a myth. Vegetables and fruits such as apples, carrots and berries are rich in antioxidants and natural vitamins and minerals. They also provide fiber, which ensures that your home is clean and reduces the risk of various harmful bacteria permanently in your colon.

3. Radiance Vitamins

Vitamins that the greatest benefit of your skin on a cover, C, E, K and some B vitamins, with a balanced diet and possibly adding a vitamin supplement that you should not be a problem for many of these in your system.

In the next article in this series on the skin so bright, we examine the importance of skin care in the quest for a bright and radiant skin.

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