With increasing age, it is inevitable that wrinkles begin to develop in his face. But this does not mean that all the wrinkles caused by aging. There are other reasons to start over our faces look like this.
The truth is, with wrinkles on the face is quite natural. In fact, facial wrinkles, we can subtle feelings of others, without communicating to verbalize.
For example, we all know the wrinkled brow, or a few are wrinkles around the eyes, nose or mouth. This "dynamic" wrinkles are an important part of it, as we "speak" to others. There are hundreds of these expression lines and any combination tells a little story about what we think.
Dynamic wrinkles such as these are caused by tiny muscle contractions under the skin. What are the mechanisms we have developed to communicate over thousands of years.
The folds appear to start on your face as you are of different ages. Instead of being caused by muscle contractions, these wrinkles by the aging process are self-inflicted. As we age the skin becomes dry. The upper layers of the skin gradually develop a dry, weathered look, and the lower layers of the skin loses much of its elasticity.
Our skin is much more complex than a single layer lining the inside of our body. It is actually quite unique three layers that have different functions. Everyone is being affected by the aging and the end result that our skin is aging, dry and limp.
The effect of time of our skin is much less able to withstand the effects of weather and the stress of everyday life. His ability to renew itself in order to maintain their youthful appearance is seriously threatened. The outcome is almost always flexible, loose skin full of wrinkles.
Basically, what happens to our skin as a result of aging. The outer layer of epidermis called "is thinner and less flexible, because the natural process of aging. This process is enhanced and accelerated by constant exposure to weathering.
It is therefore less able, the second layer as a protective "dermus. Dermus The transfers usually nutrients from the underlying layer called" sub-skin "to the outside layer. But aging makes them less able to do this .
Therefore, the epidermis - the part that we see - not the nutrients needed to stay flexible and young looking, and the two other layers lose their ability to compensate. In other words, as we age skin loses its ability to regenerate and gradually begins to look older and more time passes.
Botox treatments can not stop the aging processes. What he can do, is the appearance of wrinkles exaggerated dynamics. As noted above, the dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle contractions. As we age, these wrinkles more pronounced, because our skin is less pliamble.
Botox inhibits the dynamic wrinkles by blocking the normal process sends chemical messages to your facial muscles told them to contract. If there is no muscle contraction, there will be no dynamic wrinkles.
Many people think that the botox works by poisoning or paralyzing the muscle injected a type of botulism. This is incorrect. The active ingredient in Botox is actually a chemical called botulinum toxin type A or B. What this means is temporarily disconnecting the connection with the nerves that cause certain muscles to contract.
The effects of Botox treatments is that they prevent wrinkles dynamics in small, isolated areas where Botox is injected. After four or five months as new connections between nerves and muscles of the effectiveness of Botox injections and fading muscle power again to develop normally.
The simplicity and convenience of having Botox cosmetic treatments explains why it has become the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures for the United States over the past ten years. It is a safe method to alleviate the effects of aging. The process can be carried out quickly and the effects are almost immediate. It is also surprisingly cheap.
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